How To Use:
(1) Write song in the text area. (default : "F Blues")
- Write chords with measure separator " | ".
- Available chord types are listed in the table. Certain chord scale is set as default.
- If you want to specify chord scale, available options are listed in the table.
- In case multiple chords are in a measure (1, 2 or 4), use comma " , " between chords.
(2) Choose N-note and position of rest (if you want).
(3) You can select the range of phrases at Highest/Lowest Note.
(4) Press "Generate". Have FUN :)
Chords | Option | Note |
Xmaj7 | -- | defult : Ionian |
Xmaj7 | (lyd) | Lydian |
Xmaj6 | -- | defult : Ionian |
Xm7 | -- | defult : Dorian |
Xm7 | (phry) | Phrygian |
Xm7 | (aeo) | Aeorian |
XmM7 | -- | default : Melodic Minor |
XmM7 | (hm) | Harmonic Minor |
Xm6 | -- | default : Melodic Minor |
X7 | -- | default : Mixolydian |
X7 | (lydb7) | Lydian b7 |
X7 | (alt) | Altered |
X7 | (hw) | Sym-Dim (1/2-W) |
X7 | (b13) | |
X7sus4 | -- | default : Mixolydian |
Xaug7 | -- | default : Wholetone |
Xm7b5 | -- | default : Locrian |
Xdim7 | -- | default : Diminish (W-1/2) |
Xdim7 | (hw) | Sym-Dim (1/2-W) |