How To Use:
(1) Write song in the text area. (default : "F Blues")
- Write chords with measure separator " | ".
- Available chord types are listed in the table.
- In case multiple chords are in a measure (1, 2 or 4), use comma " , " between chords.
- If you want to specify tensions, available tensions are listed in the table.
- In case you write something not supported, it will be still displayed in music, but not reflected to phrases.
(2) You can choose the highest & lowest notes of left hand comping.
(3) If you want to mix 3-note voicing, check "3-note voicing" box.
(4) Press "Generate". The algorithm generates voice-led comping patterns.
*Unusual enharmonic chord or chord with double sharp/flat notes may give weird notation.
Chords | Option | Note |
Xmaj7 | -- | 3,5,7,9 |
Xmaj6 | -- | 3,5,6,9 |
X | -- | Triad treated as Xmaj7 |
Xm7 | -- | b3,5,b7,9 |
Xm | -- | m.Triad treated as Xm7 |
XmM7 | -- | b3,5,7,9 |
Xm6 | -- | b3,5,6,9 |
X7 | -- | 3,13,b7,9 |
X7 | (b9) | 3,13,b7,b9 |
X7 | (b9b13) | 3,b13,b7,b9 |
X7 | (#9) | 3,b7,(8),#9 |
X7 | (#9b13) | 3,b13,b7,#9 |
X7 | (b13) | 3,b13,b7,(8) |
X7sus4 | -- | 1,4,5,b7 |
Xaug7 | -- | 1,3,#5,b7 |
Xm7b5 | -- | 1,b3,b5,b7 |
Xdim7 | -- | 1,b3,b5,○7 |
Xdim | -- | treated as Xdim7 |