(日) A Life in 2020, “The Kohta Chapters”

誰もが経験しているように、2020年は混乱を極める1年となった。目まぐるしく変化する状況の中、先の計画を立てることは難しく、それでもなお現状に適応することを強いられる。気ぜましく不安な生活を送ることとなったが、幸いなことに、それでも今日の時点では、少しの冷静さと過去の瞬間を慈しむ気持ちをもってこの1年を振り返りることができる。私の2020年を5つの音楽で表現し、”A Life in 2020, The Kohta Chapters”と名前をつけた。一緒にこのストーリーを体験してもらえると嬉しい。

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A Life in 2020, “The Kohta Chapters”

As everyone has experienced, the year 2020 has become one of the most chaotic years in our lives. Relentless changes did not allow me to set clear plans, but still forced me somehow to adapt myself to the situation. The situation kept me busy and anxious, however today, with a more calm mental perspective, I can look back this year at my past-self, and cherish each moment that taught me so much. “A Life in 2020, The Kohta Chapters” is an exhibition of five songs which chronologically reflects each moment of my life in 2020. I hope viewers and listeners will experience this turning of pages of my story.

Chapter 1 : “Lush Life” (Billy Strayhorn)

In March, Kohta was in Boston. A Massachusetts’ stay-at-home-advisory was put into effect. With rising concerns, what would happen to his life next…?

Solo performance by Kohta Nakai.

Chapter 2 : “Inner Urge” (Joe Henderson)

In May, Kohta was bored of being bored. One day, he found an email from his mentor and great pianist Kevin Harris. It came with an attachment, it was a… Funk Rhythm Track!

Virtual duo performance by Kohta Nakai “A” and Kohta Nakai “B”.

Chapter 3 : “Straight Ahead” (Kenny Dorham)

In July, desiring the joy of playing with friends, Kohta’s band tried a remote jam. BUT, there was a big obstacle, LATENCY. How would this remote jam be a success…?

– Benjamin Orlin (Tp)
– Kohta Nakai (Pf)
– Ian Quinton Banno (Ba)
– Cristián Tamblay (Ds)

Chapter 4 : “Shinjuku Twilight” (Eddie Higgins)

In September, a sudden change came about. Kohta had to abandon his residence in Boston and return to Japan. Holding on to the dream of finishing his studies in Boston, Kohta understood this dream would not come to fruition as he had originally planned.

– Kohta Nakai (Pf)
– Makoto Ishizaka (Ba)
– Yuki Koizumi (Ds)

Chapter 5 : “Breakfast in Tokyo” (Rakto Zjaca)

In November, with a new found momentum and acceptance of the way things had now become, Kohta started looking ahead, with a renewed determination.

– Kohta Nakai (Pf)
– Makoto Ishizaka (Ba)
– Yuki Koizumi (Ds)